Articles Tagged With:
Recommendations Target Making Improvements in U.S. Organ Transplant System
The authors aimed for equity, transparency, and efficiency.
Physician Turnover Costs Millions in Excess Healthcare Spending
Each time a physician leaves his or her practice, that can lead to more than $86,000 in extra costs during the following year.
Psilocybin Produces Long-Term Antidepressive Benefits
Some patients sustained positive effects up to one year after treatment.
Better Cardiorespiratory Fitness Connected to Lower Risk for Developing Alzheimer’s
Yet another reason to stay physically active emerges.
Stress as a Reversible Risk Factor in Atrial Fibrillation Management
Researchers scrutinize this recognized but poorly defined relationship.
Treatment Indication for Diabetes Drug Expanded to Include Heart Failure
FDA approves empagliflozin to help lower risk of hospitalization, death among heart failure patients.
Time-to-Disposition Delays Are Possible if Patient Is Seen Early
Recent study findings reflect the different types of work occurring during an ED shift. At the beginning of a shift, providers prioritize seeing new patients and initiating workups. At the end of a shift, providers transition to following up on lab or imaging results, and making decisions on whether to admit or discharge.
Noncompliance with Sepsis Measures Used to Prove Care Was Negligent
Along with growing general awareness, there are several positive developments in ED sepsis care, including laboratory tests helpful in diagnosing sepsis cases that have improved substantially. Also, there are new biomarkers of sepsis that are promising, and new molecular tests allow a lab to identify blood-borne infections in hours instead of the days formerly required for blood cultures to grow.
Crowding Linked to Higher Risk of Children Leaving Without Assessment
Researchers argue leave without being seen rates should no longer be considered an isolated problem, but rather a costly consequence of ED crowding resulting from poor patient flow through the hospital and across the system.
Youth Spend Days in EDs Waiting for Psychiatric Inpatient Care
Negative care outcomes, treatment delays, risk of injury (to patients, family, or staff), and poor satisfaction are undesirable outcomes resulting from boarding.